Sampling Methods

machine learning



January 13, 2023

Sampling Methods

It’s time to get hands-on and perform the four random sampling methods in Python: simple, systematic, stratified, and cluster.

This Sampling Methods is part of Datacamp course: Introduction to sampling

This is my learning experience of data science through DataCamp

# Import seaborn with alias sns
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

# Import matplotlib.pyplot with alias plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Simple random and systematic sampling

Although there are several sampling methods such as: * Simple random sampling * Systematic random sampling * Stratified & weight random sampling * Cluster sampling

  • Simple random sampling: Work like raffle or lottery & consider simplest method of sampling a population. involves picking rows at random, one at a time, where each row has the same chance of being picked as any other
  • Systematic random sampling: This samples the population at regular intervals and this method avoid randomness

Simple random sampling

Age Attrition BusinessTravel DailyRate Department DistanceFromHome Education EducationField EnvironmentSatisfaction Gender ... PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance YearsAtCompany YearsInCurrentRole YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager
0 21 0.0 Travel_Rarely 391 Research_Development 15 College Life_Sciences High Male ... Excellent Very_High 0 0 6 Better 0 0 0 0
1 19 1.0 Travel_Rarely 528 Sales 22 Below_College Marketing Very_High Male ... Excellent Very_High 0 0 2 Good 0 0 0 0
2 18 1.0 Travel_Rarely 230 Research_Development 3 Bachelor Life_Sciences High Male ... Excellent High 0 0 2 Better 0 0 0 0
3 18 0.0 Travel_Rarely 812 Sales 10 Bachelor Medical Very_High Female ... Excellent Low 0 0 2 Better 0 0 0 0
4 18 1.0 Travel_Frequently 1306 Sales 5 Bachelor Marketing Medium Male ... Excellent Very_High 0 0 3 Better 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 31 columns

# Sample 70 rows using simple random sampling and set the seed
attrition_samp = attrition_pop.sample(n=70, random_state=18900217)

# Print the sample
      Age  Attrition     BusinessTravel  DailyRate            Department  \
1134   35        0.0      Travel_Rarely        583  Research_Development   
1150   52        0.0         Non-Travel        585                 Sales   
531    33        0.0      Travel_Rarely        931  Research_Development   
395    31        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1332  Research_Development   
392    29        0.0      Travel_Rarely        942  Research_Development   
...   ...        ...                ...        ...                   ...   
361    27        0.0  Travel_Frequently       1410                 Sales   
1180   36        0.0      Travel_Rarely        530                 Sales   
230    26        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1443                 Sales   
211    29        0.0  Travel_Frequently        410  Research_Development   
890    30        0.0  Travel_Frequently       1312  Research_Development   

      DistanceFromHome      Education    EducationField  \
1134                25         Master           Medical   
1150                29         Master     Life_Sciences   
531                 14       Bachelor           Medical   
395                 11        College           Medical   
392                 15  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
...                ...            ...               ...   
361                  3  Below_College           Medical   
1180                 2         Master     Life_Sciences   
230                 23       Bachelor         Marketing   
211                  2  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
890                  2         Master  Technical_Degree   

     EnvironmentSatisfaction  Gender  ...  PerformanceRating  \
1134                    High  Female  ...          Excellent   
1150                     Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
531                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
395                     High    Male  ...          Excellent   
392                   Medium  Female  ...          Excellent   
...                      ...     ...  ...                ...   
361                Very_High  Female  ...        Outstanding   
1180                    High  Female  ...          Excellent   
230                     High  Female  ...          Excellent   
211                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
890                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   

     RelationshipSatisfaction  StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears  \
1134                     High                 1                16   
1150                   Medium                 2                16   
531                 Very_High                 1                 8   
395                 Very_High                 0                 6   
392                       Low                 1                 6   
...                       ...               ...               ...   
361                    Medium                 2                 6   
1180                     High                 0                17   
230                      High                 1                 5   
211                      High                 3                 4   
890                 Very_High                 0                10   

     TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance  YearsAtCompany  \
1134                     3            Good              16   
1150                     3            Good               9   
531                      5          Better               8   
395                      2            Good               6   
392                      2            Good               5   
...                    ...             ...             ...   
361                      3          Better               6   
1180                     2            Good              13   
230                      2            Good               2   
211                      3          Better               3   
890                      2          Better               9   

      YearsInCurrentRole  YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager  
1134                  10                       10                    1  
1150                   8                        0                    0  
531                    7                        1                    6  
395                    5                        0                    1  
392                    4                        1                    3  
...                  ...                      ...                  ...  
361                    5                        0                    4  
1180                   7                        6                    7  
230                    2                        0                    0  
211                    2                        0                    2  
890                    7                        0                    7  

[70 rows x 31 columns]

Systematic random sampling

# Set the sample size to 70
sample_size = 70

# Calculate the population size from attrition_pop
pop_size = len(attrition_pop)

# Calculate the interval
interval = pop_size // sample_size

# Systematically sample 70 rows
attrition_sys_samp = attrition_pop.iloc[::interval]

# Print the sample
      Age  Attrition BusinessTravel  DailyRate            Department  \
0      21        0.0  Travel_Rarely        391  Research_Development   
21     19        0.0  Travel_Rarely       1181  Research_Development   
42     45        0.0  Travel_Rarely        252  Research_Development   
63     23        0.0  Travel_Rarely        373  Research_Development   
84     30        1.0  Travel_Rarely        945                 Sales   
...   ...        ...            ...        ...                   ...   
1365   48        0.0  Travel_Rarely        715  Research_Development   
1386   48        0.0  Travel_Rarely       1355  Research_Development   
1407   50        0.0  Travel_Rarely        989  Research_Development   
1428   50        0.0     Non-Travel        881  Research_Development   
1449   52        0.0  Travel_Rarely        699  Research_Development   

      DistanceFromHome      Education EducationField EnvironmentSatisfaction  \
0                   15        College  Life_Sciences                    High   
21                   3  Below_College        Medical                  Medium   
42                   2       Bachelor  Life_Sciences                  Medium   
63                   1        College  Life_Sciences               Very_High   
84                   9       Bachelor        Medical                  Medium   
...                ...            ...            ...                     ...   
1365                 1       Bachelor  Life_Sciences               Very_High   
1386                 4         Master  Life_Sciences                    High   
1407                 7        College        Medical                  Medium   
1428                 2         Master  Life_Sciences                     Low   
1449                 1         Master  Life_Sciences                    High   

      Gender  ...  PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction  \
0       Male  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
21    Female  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
42    Female  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
63      Male  ...        Outstanding                Very_High   
84      Male  ...          Excellent                     High   
...      ...  ...                ...                      ...   
1365    Male  ...          Excellent                     High   
1386    Male  ...          Excellent                   Medium   
1407  Female  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
1428    Male  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
1449    Male  ...          Excellent                      Low   

      StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear  \
0                    0                 0                     6   
21                   0                 1                     3   
42                   0                 1                     3   
63                   1                 1                     2   
84                   0                 1                     3   
...                ...               ...                   ...   
1365                 0                25                     3   
1386                 0                27                     3   
1407                 1                29                     2   
1428                 1                31                     3   
1449                 1                34                     5   

     WorkLifeBalance  YearsAtCompany  YearsInCurrentRole  \
0             Better               0                   0   
21            Better               1                   0   
42            Better               1                   0   
63            Better               1                   0   
84              Good               1                   0   
...              ...             ...                 ...   
1365            Best               1                   0   
1386          Better              15                  11   
1407            Good              27                   3   
1428          Better              31                   6   
1449          Better              33                  18   

      YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager  
0                           0                    0  
21                          0                    0  
42                          0                    0  
63                          0                    1  
84                          0                    0  
...                       ...                  ...  
1365                        0                    0  
1386                        4                    8  
1407                       13                    8  
1428                       14                    7  
1449                       11                    9  

[70 rows x 31 columns]

Do you think systematic sampling is appropriate?

In the case of systematic sampling, there is a problem: if the data has been sorted or there is a pattern or meaning behind the row order, then the resulting sample may not be representative of the entire population. If the rows are shuffled, the problem can be solved, but then systematic sampling becomes equivalent to simple random sampling.

# Add an index column to attrition_pop
attrition_pop_id = attrition_pop.reset_index()

# Plot YearsAtCompany vs. index for attrition_pop_id

# Shuffle the rows of attrition_pop
attrition_shuffled = attrition_pop.sample(frac=1)

# Reset the row indexes and create an index column
attrition_shuffled = attrition_shuffled.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()

# Plot YearsAtCompany vs. index for attrition_shuffled

Stratified and weighted random sampling

Stratified sampling is a technique that allows us to sample a population that contains subgroups

  • Weighted random sampling

A close relative of stratified sampling that provides even more flexibility is weighted random sampling. In this variant, we create a column of weights that adjust the relative probability of sampling each row.

Sampling by proportional stratification

You may need to carefully control the counts of each subgroup within the population if you are interested in subgroups within the population. As a result of proportional stratified sampling, the subgroup sizes within the sample are representative of the subgroup sizes within the population as a whole.

# Proportion of employees by Education level
education_counts_pop = attrition_pop['Education'].value_counts(normalize=True)

# Print education_counts_pop
Bachelor         0.389116
Master           0.270748
College          0.191837
Below_College    0.115646
Doctor           0.032653
Name: Education, dtype: float64
# Proportional stratified sampling for 40% of each Education group
attrition_strat = attrition_pop.groupby('Education').sample(frac=0.4, random_state=2022)

# Print the sample
      Age  Attrition     BusinessTravel  DailyRate            Department  \
1191   53        0.0      Travel_Rarely        238                 Sales   
407    29        0.0  Travel_Frequently        995  Research_Development   
1233   59        0.0  Travel_Frequently       1225                 Sales   
366    37        0.0      Travel_Rarely        571  Research_Development   
702    31        0.0  Travel_Frequently        163  Research_Development   
...   ...        ...                ...        ...                   ...   
733    38        0.0  Travel_Frequently        653  Research_Development   
1061   44        0.0  Travel_Frequently        602       Human_Resources   
1307   41        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1276                 Sales   
1060   33        0.0      Travel_Rarely        516  Research_Development   
177    29        0.0      Travel_Rarely        738  Research_Development   

      DistanceFromHome      Education    EducationField  \
1191                 1  Below_College           Medical   
407                  2  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
1233                 1  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
366                 10  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
702                 24  Below_College  Technical_Degree   
...                ...            ...               ...   
733                 29         Doctor     Life_Sciences   
1061                 1         Doctor   Human_Resources   
1307                 2         Doctor     Life_Sciences   
1060                 8         Doctor     Life_Sciences   
177                  9         Doctor             Other   

     EnvironmentSatisfaction  Gender  ...  PerformanceRating  \
1191               Very_High  Female  ...        Outstanding   
407                      Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
1233                     Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
366                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
702                Very_High  Female  ...        Outstanding   
...                      ...     ...  ...                ...   
733                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
1061                     Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
1307                  Medium  Female  ...          Excellent   
1060               Very_High    Male  ...          Excellent   
177                   Medium    Male  ...          Excellent   

     RelationshipSatisfaction  StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears  \
1191                Very_High                 0                18   
407                 Very_High                 1                 6   
1233                Very_High                 0                20   
366                    Medium                 2                 6   
702                 Very_High                 0                 9   
...                       ...               ...               ...   
733                 Very_High                 0                10   
1061                     High                 0                14   
1307                   Medium                 1                22   
1060                      Low                 0                14   
177                      High                 0                 4   

     TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance  YearsAtCompany  \
1191                     2            Best              14   
407                      0            Best               6   
1233                     2            Good               4   
366                      3            Good               5   
702                      3            Good               5   
...                    ...             ...             ...   
733                      2          Better              10   
1061                     3          Better              10   
1307                     2          Better              18   
1060                     6          Better               0   
177                      2          Better               3   

      YearsInCurrentRole  YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager  
1191                   7                        8                   10  
407                    4                        1                    3  
1233                   3                        1                    3  
366                    3                        4                    3  
702                    4                        1                    4  
...                  ...                      ...                  ...  
733                    3                        9                    9  
1061                   7                        0                    2  
1307                  16                       11                    8  
1060                   0                        0                    0  
177                    2                        2                    2  

[588 rows x 31 columns]
# Calculate the Education level proportions from attrition_strat
education_counts_strat = attrition_strat['Education'].value_counts(normalize=True)

# Print education_counts_strat
print('\nBy grouping then sampling, the size of each group in the sample is representative of the size of the sample in the population.')
Bachelor         0.389456
Master           0.270408
College          0.192177
Below_College    0.115646
Doctor           0.032313
Name: Education, dtype: float64

By grouping then sampling, the size of each group in the sample is representative of the size of the sample in the population.

A stratified sampling method based on equal counts

When one subgroup is larger than another in the population, but you do not want to factor this difference into your analysis, you can use equal counts stratified sampling to generate samples in which each subgroup has the same amount of data.

# Get 30 employees from each Education group
attrition_eq = attrition_pop.groupby('Education').sample(n=30, random_state=2022)

# Print the sample
      Age  Attrition     BusinessTravel  DailyRate            Department  \
1191   53        0.0      Travel_Rarely        238                 Sales   
407    29        0.0  Travel_Frequently        995  Research_Development   
1233   59        0.0  Travel_Frequently       1225                 Sales   
366    37        0.0      Travel_Rarely        571  Research_Development   
702    31        0.0  Travel_Frequently        163  Research_Development   
...   ...        ...                ...        ...                   ...   
774    33        0.0      Travel_Rarely        922  Research_Development   
869    45        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1015  Research_Development   
530    32        0.0      Travel_Rarely        120  Research_Development   
1049   48        0.0      Travel_Rarely        163                 Sales   
350    29        1.0      Travel_Rarely        408  Research_Development   

      DistanceFromHome      Education    EducationField  \
1191                 1  Below_College           Medical   
407                  2  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
1233                 1  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
366                 10  Below_College     Life_Sciences   
702                 24  Below_College  Technical_Degree   
...                ...            ...               ...   
774                  1         Doctor           Medical   
869                  5         Doctor           Medical   
530                  6         Doctor     Life_Sciences   
1049                 2         Doctor         Marketing   
350                 25         Doctor  Technical_Degree   

     EnvironmentSatisfaction  Gender  ...  PerformanceRating  \
1191               Very_High  Female  ...        Outstanding   
407                      Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
1233                     Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
366                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
702                Very_High  Female  ...        Outstanding   
...                      ...     ...  ...                ...   
774                      Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
869                     High  Female  ...          Excellent   
530                     High    Male  ...        Outstanding   
1049                  Medium  Female  ...          Excellent   
350                     High  Female  ...          Excellent   

     RelationshipSatisfaction  StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears  \
1191                Very_High                 0                18   
407                 Very_High                 1                 6   
1233                Very_High                 0                20   
366                    Medium                 2                 6   
702                 Very_High                 0                 9   
...                       ...               ...               ...   
774                      High                 1                10   
869                       Low                 0                10   
530                       Low                 0                 8   
1049                      Low                 1                14   
350                    Medium                 0                 6   

     TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance  YearsAtCompany  \
1191                     2            Best              14   
407                      0            Best               6   
1233                     2            Good               4   
366                      3            Good               5   
702                      3            Good               5   
...                    ...             ...             ...   
774                      2          Better               6   
869                      3          Better              10   
530                      2          Better               5   
1049                     2          Better               9   
350                      2            Best               2   

      YearsInCurrentRole  YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager  
1191                   7                        8                   10  
407                    4                        1                    3  
1233                   3                        1                    3  
366                    3                        4                    3  
702                    4                        1                    4  
...                  ...                      ...                  ...  
774                    1                        0                    5  
869                    7                        1                    4  
530                    4                        1                    4  
1049                   7                        6                    7  
350                    2                        1                    1  

[150 rows x 31 columns]
# Get the proportions from attrition_eq
education_counts_eq = attrition_eq['Education'].value_counts(normalize=True)

# Print the results
Below_College    0.2
College          0.2
Bachelor         0.2
Master           0.2
Doctor           0.2
Name: Education, dtype: float64

Weighted sampling

The stratified sampling method determines the probability of picking rows from your dataset based on the subgroups within your dataset. A generalization of this is weighted sampling, which allows you to specify rules regarding the probability of selecting rows at the row level. A row’s probability of being selected is proportional to its weight value.

# Plot YearsAtCompany from attrition_pop as a histogram

# Sample 400 employees weighted by YearsAtCompany
attrition_weight = attrition_pop.sample(n=400, weights='YearsAtCompany')

# Print the sample
      Age  Attrition     BusinessTravel  DailyRate            Department  \
853    36        0.0      Travel_Rarely        172  Research_Development   
481    34        0.0  Travel_Frequently        618  Research_Development   
1148   38        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1321                 Sales   
1430   51        0.0  Travel_Frequently        237                 Sales   
517    39        0.0      Travel_Rarely        835  Research_Development   
...   ...        ...                ...        ...                   ...   
1351   45        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1038  Research_Development   
1412   54        0.0      Travel_Rarely        971  Research_Development   
1248   47        0.0  Travel_Frequently       1379  Research_Development   
1210   36        0.0  Travel_Frequently        688  Research_Development   
1328   55        0.0  Travel_Frequently       1091  Research_Development   

      DistanceFromHome      Education EducationField EnvironmentSatisfaction  \
853                  4         Master  Life_Sciences                     Low   
481                  3  Below_College  Life_Sciences                     Low   
1148                 1         Master  Life_Sciences               Very_High   
1430                 9       Bachelor  Life_Sciences               Very_High   
517                 19         Master          Other               Very_High   
...                ...            ...            ...                     ...   
1351                20       Bachelor        Medical                  Medium   
1412                 1       Bachelor        Medical               Very_High   
1248                16         Master        Medical                    High   
1210                 4        College  Life_Sciences               Very_High   
1328                 2  Below_College  Life_Sciences               Very_High   

      Gender  ...  PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction  \
853     Male  ...          Excellent                     High   
481     Male  ...          Excellent                     High   
1148    Male  ...          Excellent                      Low   
1430    Male  ...        Outstanding                      Low   
517     Male  ...          Excellent                   Medium   
...      ...  ...                ...                      ...   
1351    Male  ...          Excellent                   Medium   
1412  Female  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
1248    Male  ...          Excellent                     High   
1210  Female  ...          Excellent                   Medium   
1328    Male  ...          Excellent                   Medium   

      StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear  \
853                  0                10                     2   
481                  0                 7                     1   
1148                 2                16                     3   
1430                 1                31                     5   
517                  3                 7                     2   
...                ...               ...                   ...   
1351                 1                24                     2   
1412                 0                29                     3   
1248                 0                20                     3   
1210                 3                18                     3   
1328                 1                23                     4   

     WorkLifeBalance  YearsAtCompany  YearsInCurrentRole  \
853             Good              10                   4   
481             Good               6                   2   
1148          Better              15                  13   
1430            Good              29                  10   
517           Better               2                   2   
...              ...             ...                 ...   
1351          Better               7                   7   
1412            Good              20                   7   
1248            Best              19                  10   
1210          Better               4                   2   
1328          Better               3                   2   

      YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager  
853                         1                    8  
481                         0                    4  
1148                        5                    8  
1430                       11                   10  
517                         2                    2  
...                       ...                  ...  
1351                        0                    7  
1412                       12                    7  
1248                        2                    7  
1210                        0                    2  
1328                        1                    2  

[400 rows x 31 columns]
# Plot YearsAtCompany from attrition_weight as a histogram

# Plot YearsAtCompany from attrition_pop as a histogram
attrition_pop['YearsAtCompany'].hist(bins=np.arange(0, 41, 1))

# Sample 400 employees weighted by YearsAtCompany
attrition_weight = attrition_pop.sample(n=400, weights="YearsAtCompany")

# Plot YearsAtCompany from attrition_weight as a histogram

Cluster sampling

Stratified sampling vs. cluster sampling * Stratified sampling: * Split the population into subgroups * Use simple random sampling on every subgroup * Cluster sampling * Use simple random sampling to pick some subgroups * Use simple random sampling on only those subgroups

import random
# Create a list of unique JobRole values
job_roles_pop = list(attrition_pop['JobRole'].unique())

# Randomly sample four JobRole values
job_roles_samp = random.sample(job_roles_pop,k=4)

# Print the result
['Research_Director', 'Sales_Executive', 'Sales_Representative', 'Laboratory_Technician']
# Filter for rows where JobRole is in job_roles_samp
jobrole_condition = attrition_pop['JobRole'].isin(job_roles_samp)
attrition_filtered = attrition_pop[jobrole_condition]

# Print the result
      Age  Attrition     BusinessTravel  DailyRate            Department  \
1      19        1.0      Travel_Rarely        528                 Sales   
2      18        1.0      Travel_Rarely        230  Research_Development   
3      18        0.0      Travel_Rarely        812                 Sales   
4      18        1.0  Travel_Frequently       1306                 Sales   
7      18        1.0         Non-Travel        247  Research_Development   
...   ...        ...                ...        ...                   ...   
1457   55        0.0      Travel_Rarely        692  Research_Development   
1458   56        0.0  Travel_Frequently        906                 Sales   
1459   54        0.0      Travel_Rarely        685  Research_Development   
1467   58        0.0      Travel_Rarely        682                 Sales   
1469   58        1.0      Travel_Rarely        286  Research_Development   

      DistanceFromHome      Education EducationField EnvironmentSatisfaction  \
1                   22  Below_College      Marketing               Very_High   
2                    3       Bachelor  Life_Sciences                    High   
3                   10       Bachelor        Medical               Very_High   
4                    5       Bachelor      Marketing                  Medium   
7                    8  Below_College        Medical                    High   
...                ...            ...            ...                     ...   
1457                14         Master        Medical                    High   
1458                 6       Bachelor  Life_Sciences                    High   
1459                 3       Bachelor  Life_Sciences               Very_High   
1467                10         Master        Medical               Very_High   
1469                 2         Master  Life_Sciences               Very_High   

      Gender  ...  PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction  \
1       Male  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
2       Male  ...          Excellent                     High   
3     Female  ...          Excellent                      Low   
4       Male  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
7       Male  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
...      ...  ...                ...                      ...   
1457    Male  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
1458  Female  ...          Excellent                Very_High   
1459    Male  ...          Excellent                      Low   
1467    Male  ...          Excellent                     High   
1469    Male  ...          Excellent                Very_High   

      StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear  \
1                    0                 0                     2   
2                    0                 0                     2   
3                    0                 0                     2   
4                    0                 0                     3   
7                    0                 0                     0   
...                ...               ...                   ...   
1457                 0                36                     3   
1458                 3                36                     0   
1459                 0                36                     2   
1467                 0                38                     1   
1469                 0                40                     2   

     WorkLifeBalance  YearsAtCompany  YearsInCurrentRole  \
1               Good               0                   0   
2             Better               0                   0   
3             Better               0                   0   
4             Better               0                   0   
7             Better               0                   0   
...              ...             ...                 ...   
1457          Better              24                  15   
1458            Good               7                   7   
1459          Better              10                   9   
1467            Good              37                  10   
1469          Better              31                  15   

      YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager  
1                           0                    0  
2                           0                    0  
3                           0                    0  
4                           0                    0  
7                           0                    0  
...                       ...                  ...  
1457                        2                   15  
1458                        7                    7  
1459                        0                    9  
1467                        1                    8  
1469                       13                    8  

[748 rows x 31 columns]
# Remove categories with no rows
attrition_filtered['JobRole'] = attrition_filtered['JobRole'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

# Randomly sample 10 employees from each sampled job role
attrition_clust = attrition_filtered.groupby('JobRole').sample(n=10,random_state=2022)

# Print the sample

print("\n The two-stage sampling technique gives you control over sampling both between subgroups and within subgroups.")
      Age  Attrition     BusinessTravel  DailyRate            Department  \
1124   36        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1396  Research_Development   
576    45        0.0      Travel_Rarely        974  Research_Development   
995    42        0.0  Travel_Frequently        748  Research_Development   
1243   50        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1207  Research_Development   
869    45        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1015  Research_Development   
599    33        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1099  Research_Development   
117    24        0.0      Travel_Rarely        350  Research_Development   
472    30        0.0      Travel_Rarely        921  Research_Development   
149    27        0.0         Non-Travel       1277  Research_Development   
49     20        1.0      Travel_Rarely        129  Research_Development   
1302   40        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1416  Research_Development   
1126   42        0.0      Travel_Rarely        810  Research_Development   
1216   38        0.0      Travel_Rarely        849  Research_Development   
1362   43        0.0      Travel_Rarely        982  Research_Development   
1327   46        0.0      Travel_Rarely        430  Research_Development   
664    27        0.0      Travel_Rarely        269  Research_Development   
1284   40        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1308  Research_Development   
1440   50        0.0  Travel_Frequently        333  Research_Development   
790    36        0.0         Non-Travel        427  Research_Development   
1432   55        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1136  Research_Development   
941    36        0.0      Travel_Rarely        329                 Sales   
454    27        0.0  Travel_Frequently       1242                 Sales   
460    37        0.0      Travel_Rarely        228                 Sales   
636    45        0.0      Travel_Rarely       1268                 Sales   
293    33        0.0  Travel_Frequently        430                 Sales   
976    39        1.0      Travel_Rarely       1162                 Sales   
813    30        0.0      Travel_Rarely        231                 Sales   
288    35        1.0  Travel_Frequently        662                 Sales   
1111   53        1.0      Travel_Rarely       1168                 Sales   
1075   40        0.0      Travel_Rarely        630                 Sales   
133    34        1.0  Travel_Frequently        296                 Sales   
725    36        1.0      Travel_Rarely       1218                 Sales   
4      18        1.0  Travel_Frequently       1306                 Sales   
169    41        1.0      Travel_Rarely       1356                 Sales   
1      19        1.0      Travel_Rarely        528                 Sales   
48     19        1.0      Travel_Rarely        419                 Sales   
150    31        0.0  Travel_Frequently        793                 Sales   
130    21        0.0         Non-Travel        895                 Sales   
3      18        0.0      Travel_Rarely        812                 Sales   
99     31        0.0  Travel_Frequently        444                 Sales   

      DistanceFromHome      Education    EducationField  \
1124                 5        College     Life_Sciences   
576                  1         Master           Medical   
995                  9        College           Medical   
1243                28  Below_College           Medical   
869                  5         Doctor           Medical   
599                  4         Master           Medical   
117                 21        College  Technical_Degree   
472                  1       Bachelor     Life_Sciences   
149                  8         Doctor     Life_Sciences   
49                   4       Bachelor  Technical_Degree   
1302                 2        College           Medical   
1126                23         Doctor     Life_Sciences   
1216                25        College     Life_Sciences   
1362                12       Bachelor     Life_Sciences   
1327                 1         Master           Medical   
664                  5  Below_College  Technical_Degree   
1284                14       Bachelor           Medical   
1440                22         Doctor           Medical   
790                  8       Bachelor     Life_Sciences   
1432                 1         Master           Medical   
941                 16         Master         Marketing   
454                 20       Bachelor     Life_Sciences   
460                  6         Master           Medical   
636                  4        College     Life_Sciences   
293                  7       Bachelor           Medical   
976                  3        College           Medical   
813                  8        College             Other   
288                 18         Master         Marketing   
1111                24         Master     Life_Sciences   
1075                 4         Master         Marketing   
133                  6        College         Marketing   
725                  9         Master     Life_Sciences   
4                    5       Bachelor         Marketing   
169                 20        College         Marketing   
1                   22  Below_College         Marketing   
48                  21       Bachelor             Other   
150                 20       Bachelor     Life_Sciences   
130                  9        College           Medical   
3                   10       Bachelor           Medical   
99                   5       Bachelor         Marketing   

     EnvironmentSatisfaction  Gender  ...  PerformanceRating  \
1124               Very_High    Male  ...          Excellent   
576                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
995                      Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
1243               Very_High    Male  ...          Excellent   
869                     High  Female  ...          Excellent   
599                      Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
117                     High    Male  ...          Excellent   
472                Very_High    Male  ...        Outstanding   
149                      Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
49                       Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
1302                     Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
1126                     Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
1216                     Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
1362                     Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
1327               Very_High    Male  ...          Excellent   
664                     High    Male  ...          Excellent   
1284                    High    Male  ...          Excellent   
1440                    High    Male  ...          Excellent   
790                      Low  Female  ...          Excellent   
1432                  Medium    Male  ...          Excellent   
941                     High  Female  ...          Excellent   
454                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
460                     High    Male  ...          Excellent   
636                     High  Female  ...          Excellent   
293                Very_High    Male  ...          Excellent   
976                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
813                     High    Male  ...          Excellent   
288                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
1111                     Low    Male  ...          Excellent   
1075                    High    Male  ...          Excellent   
133                Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
725                     High    Male  ...        Outstanding   
4                     Medium    Male  ...          Excellent   
169                   Medium  Female  ...        Outstanding   
1                  Very_High    Male  ...          Excellent   
48                 Very_High    Male  ...          Excellent   
150                     High    Male  ...          Excellent   
130                      Low    Male  ...        Outstanding   
3                  Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   
99                 Very_High  Female  ...          Excellent   

     RelationshipSatisfaction  StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears  \
1124                Very_High                 0                16   
576                 Very_High                 2                 8   
995                      High                 0                12   
1243                     High                 3                20   
869                       Low                 0                10   
599                 Very_High                 0                 8   
117                    Medium                 3                 2   
472                      High                 2                 7   
149                 Very_High                 3                 3   
49                     Medium                 0                 1   
1302                Very_High                 1                22   
1126                   Medium                 0                16   
1216                     High                 1                19   
1362                     High                 1                25   
1327                Very_High                 2                23   
664                    Medium                 1                 9   
1284                      Low                 0                21   
1440                Very_High                 0                32   
790                       Low                 1                10   
1432                Very_High                 2                31   
941                       Low                 2                11   
454                 Very_High                 0                 7   
460                    Medium                 1                 7   
636                       Low                 1                 9   
293                       Low                 2                 5   
976                       Low                 0                12   
813                       Low                 1                10   
288                      High                 1                 5   
1111                   Medium                 0                15   
1075                      Low                 1                15   
133                 Very_High                 1                 3   
725                    Medium                 0                10   
4                   Very_High                 0                 0   
169                 Very_High                 0                 4   
1                   Very_High                 0                 0   
48                     Medium                 0                 1   
150                       Low                 1                 3   
130                      High                 0                 3   
3                         Low                 0                 0   
99                       High                 1                 2   

     TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance  YearsAtCompany  \
1124                     3            Best              13   
576                      2          Better               5   
995                      3          Better              12   
1243                     3          Better              20   
869                      3          Better              10   
599                      5          Better               5   
117                      3          Better               1   
472                      2          Better               2   
149                      4          Better               3   
49                       2          Better               1   
1302                     5          Better              21   
1126                     2          Better               1   
1216                     2          Better              10   
1362                     3          Better              25   
1327                     0          Better               2   
664                      3          Better               9   
1284                     2            Best              20   
1440                     2          Better              32   
790                      2          Better               8   
1432                     4            Best               7   
941                      3            Good               3   
454                      2          Better               7   
460                      5            Best               5   
636                      3            Best               5   
293                      2          Better               4   
976                      3            Good               1   
813                      2            Best               8   
288                      0            Good               4   
1111                     2            Good               2   
1075                     2            Good              12   
133                      3            Good               2   
725                      4          Better               5   
4                        3          Better               0   
169                      5            Good               4   
1                        2            Good               0   
48                       3            Best               1   
150                      4          Better               2   
130                      3            Good               3   
3                        2          Better               0   
99                       5            Good               2   

      YearsInCurrentRole  YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager  
1124                  11                        3                    7  
576                    3                        0                    2  
995                    9                        5                    8  
1243                   8                        3                    8  
869                    7                        1                    4  
599                    4                        0                    2  
117                    1                        0                    0  
472                    2                        0                    2  
149                    2                        1                    2  
49                     0                        0                    0  
1302                   7                        3                    9  
1126                   0                        0                    0  
1216                   8                        0                    1  
1362                  10                        3                    9  
1327                   2                        2                    2  
664                    8                        0                    8  
1284                   7                        4                    9  
1440                   6                       13                    9  
790                    7                        0                    5  
1432                   7                        0                    0  
941                    2                        0                    2  
454                    7                        0                    7  
460                    4                        0                    1  
636                    4                        0                    3  
293                    3                        0                    3  
976                    0                        0                    0  
813                    4                        7                    7  
288                    2                        3                    2  
1111                   2                        2                    2  
1075                  11                        2                   11  
133                    2                        1                    0  
725                    3                        0                    3  
4                      0                        0                    0  
169                    3                        0                    2  
1                      0                        0                    0  
48                     0                        0                    0  
150                    2                        2                    2  
130                    2                        2                    2  
3                      0                        0                    0  
99                     2                        2                    2  

[40 rows x 31 columns]

 The two-stage sampling technique gives you control over sampling both between subgroups and within subgroups.
C:\Users\dghr201\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_28748\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  attrition_filtered['JobRole'] = attrition_filtered['JobRole'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

3 kinds of sampling

You’re going to compare the performance of point estimates using simple, stratified, and cluster sampling. Before doing that, you’ll have to set up the samples

# Perform simple random sampling to get 0.25 of the population
attrition_srs = attrition_pop.sample(frac=1/4, random_state=2022)
(368, 31)
# Perform stratified sampling to get 0.25 of each relationship group
attrition_strat = attrition_pop.groupby('RelationshipSatisfaction').sample(frac=1/4, random_state=2022)
(368, 31)
# Create a list of unique RelationshipSatisfaction values
satisfaction_unique = list(attrition_pop['RelationshipSatisfaction'].unique())

# Randomly sample 2 unique satisfaction values
satisfaction_samp = random.sample(satisfaction_unique, k=2)

# Filter for satisfaction_samp and clear unused categories from RelationshipSatisfaction
satis_condition = attrition_pop['RelationshipSatisfaction'].isin(satisfaction_samp)
attrition_clust_prep = attrition_pop[satis_condition]
attrition_clust_prep['RelationshipSatisfaction'] = attrition_clust_prep['RelationshipSatisfaction'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

# Perform cluster sampling on the selected group, getting 0.25 of attrition_pop
attrition_clust = attrition_clust_prep.groupby("RelationshipSatisfaction")\
    .sample(n=len(attrition_pop) // 4, random_state=2022)
C:\Users\dghr201\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_28748\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  attrition_clust_prep['RelationshipSatisfaction'] = attrition_clust_prep['RelationshipSatisfaction'].cat.remove_unused_categories()
ValueError: Cannot take a larger sample than population when 'replace=False'

Comparing point estimates

# Mean Attrition by RelationshipSatisfaction group
mean_attrition_pop = attrition_pop.groupby('RelationshipSatisfaction')['Attrition'].mean()

# Print the result
Low          0.206522
Medium       0.148515
High         0.154684
Very_High    0.148148
Name: Attrition, dtype: float64
# Calculate the same thing for the simple random sample
mean_attrition_srs = attrition_srs.groupby('RelationshipSatisfaction')['Attrition'].mean()

# Print the result
Low          0.134328
Medium       0.164179
High         0.160000
Very_High    0.155963
Name: Attrition, dtype: float64
# Calculate the same thing for the stratified sample
mean_attrition_strat = attrition_strat.groupby('RelationshipSatisfaction')['Attrition'].mean()

# Print the result
Low          0.144928
Medium       0.078947
High         0.165217
Very_High    0.129630
Name: Attrition, dtype: float64
# Calculate the same thing for the cluster sample
mean_attrition_clust = attrition_clust.groupby('RelationshipSatisfaction')['Attrition'].mean()

# Print the result
Low          0.090909
Medium       0.500000
High         0.125000
Very_High    0.307692
Name: Attrition, dtype: float64